Matt's blog

The story of me, an American in Edinburgh, Scotland finding my place as a musician, a husband, a father and a Christian.

You know what's great about double stuff oreos?

They've got twice the stuff in them. Come on people, this isn't rocket science here.

"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times..." In 9th grade I read that entire book and didn't remember a word of it the instant I finished the last page. Well, that's not entirely true, I remember the word 'emmigrant' appeared appeared more times in that book than it had anywhere else in my life up to that point. Time warp to a few years earlier and a much more plesant Dickens memory (is there such a thing) when in Jr. High I made Oliver Twist trading cards for an english project. But why the heck am I writing about Dickens and High school, both Jr. and Sr.? Aren't I supposed to be reliving elementary school memories now?

Ok, I think I'm trying to put this off. My new approach to blogging is much more stream of consiousness oriented than my last with the intent of using this space to deal with memories and kind of put my life in order. That said, I'm kind of working without a net and I think I may have just remembered myself into a corner. Let me explain...

My last years of elementary school were some of my best and my worst like I said before, but upon thinking of that time in my life a little more I have realized that there was more going on then than I had first thought. I was going to write something about discovering girls for the first time and repeating 4th grade, which made me the butt of many flunkie jokes, and tie it all in to the overarching narrative of the story so far: my epic quest for coolness. However, while those things were important and I think I'll write about them someday, they were not the biggest thing happening in my life then.

I can't deal with elementary school right now. I can't face my mom's sickness and eventual death which defined this part of my life for me. The main reason I can't face it is because I haven't really thought about it, or her, at all since then. I followed my dad's lead and closed the door on that part of my life immediately after she died. I can't deal with that right now, it's too big. I need to work my way back to it. I didn't realize that I would come across something like this right away. The reason I'd started blogging again was to kind of have fun dragging up old goofy memories and laughing about them. I'll get to this later, we'll take a detour til then. Maybe next time I'll tell you about the Elephants of Literature. Seems appropriate since we pulled out some english class memories this time. Well, til next time,

Why did Charles Dickens cross the road? (You know the answer? I'll give you a double stuff oreo if you do.)

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