It's Not Time for a New Post Again Already, is it?
5 Comments Published by Matt on Saturday, November 19, 2005 at 6:17 PM.
No, it's not! If you'd direct your eyes northward on this page just an inch or two, you'd see that I have clearly stated that this blog will be "updated at least monthly." Hence, today being Nov. 19 and my last post being dated Nov. 10, I am still well within my rights to refrain from posting without being labeled a hobo-blogger. (In case you couldn't tell, passive voice was being used extensively in that last sentence to strike back at the one who was telling me I need to be updating my blog more often. I might be continuing my attack by dangling one of those things you're not supposed to dangle if I can figure out a way to. Sweet! How is it feeling to be reading that, Grammar Nazi (INTERROBANG!?!))
Anyway, on to more pertinent matters. I am aware that my posting has become more sparse as of late. There have been quite a few things I would have blogged about, but a lot of those things consisted of thoughts that I didn't want to have out in the public sphere with my name on them. For example, just a few nights ago I gave my notice at the church downtown where I work. December 18 will be my last day as a paid musician there. Over the last few weeks I'd have liked to blog about the events and my thoughts leading up to this, but that might have hurt feelings or put me in an awkward spot if this blog were found by people involved in the situation.
What I'm getting to is that I'm staring to consider switching over to an anonymous, or pseudonymous blog at some point in the near future. Any thoughts? You'd all be invited to come along, of course, as long as you promise not to reveal my secret identity. Let me know what you think and I'll give you more real news later.
Anyway, on to more pertinent matters. I am aware that my posting has become more sparse as of late. There have been quite a few things I would have blogged about, but a lot of those things consisted of thoughts that I didn't want to have out in the public sphere with my name on them. For example, just a few nights ago I gave my notice at the church downtown where I work. December 18 will be my last day as a paid musician there. Over the last few weeks I'd have liked to blog about the events and my thoughts leading up to this, but that might have hurt feelings or put me in an awkward spot if this blog were found by people involved in the situation.
What I'm getting to is that I'm staring to consider switching over to an anonymous, or pseudonymous blog at some point in the near future. Any thoughts? You'd all be invited to come along, of course, as long as you promise not to reveal my secret identity. Let me know what you think and I'll give you more real news later.
I'm learning all sorts of stuff researching grad schools. Take for example this quip from the website:
- Students are required to complete the degree program through classes offered before and after 4:30 p.m.
Today's Adventure in Education!
3 Comments Published by Matt on Saturday, November 05, 2005 at 5:47 AM.
Teacher (after a long explanation of how vocal inflection plays a critical role in language): "You can change a statement into a question simply by raising the pitch of your voice at the end of the sentence."
Me: "You can change a statement into a question simply by raising the pitch of your voice at the end of the sentence?"
Teacher (after deep sigh): "Yes. Here, let me explain it again..."
Me: "You can change a statement into a question simply by raising the pitch of your voice at the end of the sentence?"
Teacher (after deep sigh): "Yes. Here, let me explain it again..." I accidentally got up at 5 am. I never reset any clocks this weekend because I slept in every day, and the main clocks I use during the day are the cell phone and the computer, both of which reset themselves. Seriously, $5 Wal-Mart alarm clock, can't you get with the program. Alas, it cannot, so I think I might just have to wake up at 5 tomorrow morning as well. The good part about waking up at 5 in the morning is that it provides a great excuse for going to sleep at 8:40 in the evening. Goodnight, all.